Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cop Out Cuz Its Late Agian and I Don't Feel Like Typing Up.....Alot

Quick admission: For various reasons I absolutely hate reading my own writing so unless it’s a report for work or school the chances of me re-reading my post before I post it are practically nil. Also, this new blogging….endeavor….I guess you’d call it, represents a clean break with the past blog. So yeah just tossing that out there. A couple of disclaimers in that regard are due then (which I’ll repost in the info part.) I’m not the most skilled writer in the world. I like to think that I have a small talent for it but nothing too great. However, when I write my voice tends to come across. Strongly. So if you aren’t a fan of my sense of humor or my sometimes often habit of rabbit-trailing you may at times lose patience with this blog. In that case feel free to skip to only parts regarding my adventures over here.  Also I fluctuate between enjoying writing a great deal (which leads to writing a great deal) to regarding it as tedious and dull and altogether not what I desire to do. Because of this my posts will vary in length and frequency.

Anyway I feel like in my last update was much longer ago then it was (which is amusing because seriously, it was a very long time ago.) I’ve changed a lot in the 3 months that I’ve been here, and I’d like to think it has been mostly for the better. No massive changes mind you, I haven’t gained a native wife or turned to voodoo or anything crazy. More just the little things, like introducing more discipline and self motivation into my life and trying harder to rely on God and less on myself, which is extremely difficult for me.

Sorry to end this short but its kinda late (I’m always up late these days) but I swear that soon you will hear all about what is going on with me and maybe even see some pics or *gasp!* videos!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Quick Update From A Fractered Mind Late At Night Who Just Wants To Sleeep (but chugged coffee)

A brief introductory statement: I’m not dead, merely lazy. And not lazy in all things, just in sitting down and saying “JD, you gotta let everyone back home know how your doing.” Otherwise I like to think that I’m a pretty hardworking and dedicated man. I’m certainly not intelligent though, seeing as its 12:12 am and I just accidentally chugged a mug of coffee. So I guess my loss (of sleep) is ya’lls gain. I’ve decided that I’m going to change a couple things about this blog though because I feel very unmotivated to really write about anything other then what’s going on over here anyway. A far cry from my original statements I know, but hey things change.

However, that will free me up from feeling like I need to post massive blog posts. My goal is to post once a week and I intend to stick to that. Now these posts may be quite short and too the point, but they will be posts and at the very least they will confirm that I am indeed alive and functioning and all that great stuff.

If I have time tomorrow I will try and type up a slightly good sized post on what has been going on in my life over the last 3 months or so and how the Lord has worked in me. So no guarantees but lets all tentatively look forward to that. Anyway that’s all for now, pray that I’ll be able to clear out a nice little block of time tomorrow and make a nicer looking update.

God Bless.  

P.S. Why does my title look like the name of a fallout boy song? Eh whatever its kinda late

Monday, July 18, 2011

See, I do keep my promises!

         Today started pretty badly but by the end things were going pretty well. I woke up at 7:31 this morning, not to bad right? Except breakfeast happens to end at 7:30, which is cruel and unusual in my own humble opinion. I didn't have time to reflect on the evil inherent in the meal times however because I was too busy throwing on some clothes and literally sprinting to the dining room, feverishly praying that their would be some cereal left at least. Thankfully their still was some bran and milk laying around (I mean I arrived at 7:33, so only two minutes after waking up. Nothing motivates me like food ya know.) so I was saved. Still it wasn't a great way to start the day.
             Things did improve though, and drastically at that. I started my job as Storeman today, which means that all I do is ferry things (mostly food) from the storerooms on the lower decks to the galley on the upper deck. It may not sound like much but I actually end up having a lot of responsability and it is much prefered to having to make paper boats and bake cookies in that purgatory commonly referred to as hospitality (no offence girls it was a fun two weeks but its just not my thing!). After that I got to have a pretty awsome time going down to the wards on the hospital deck and visiting with the patients for maybe forty five minutes. It was the first time i've gone down there and it was pretty awsome, I had a blast just interacting with all the people who have come to the ship for help. And honestly I kind of needed it because when your working in a supporting role in hospitality or storeroom (as opposed to directly interacting with and helping the patients) it can sometimes be difficult to remember what were doing here and just what an impact MercyShips has on people's lives.

And now for something completely different......

       In the great U S of A football is King. Unfortunatly this is not the case in the rest of the world, where a sport that can only be described as boooooooooooooooring regins. Soccer. The word alone conjures visions of players laying to the ground faking some horrid injury with five minutes left in a tie game WHILE THE CLOCK STILL RUNS!!! Anyway last night the women's World Cup Final was on and most of the ship was gathered around a tv watching the game. Of course it ended up being a heart crushing defeat but thankfully it was only womens soccer so most people have already forgotten ad the rubbing it in has been kept to a minimium. Still while we managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory the game is still being heralded as a victory for soccer in the United States. The theory goes that because the game was so great and tournement itself was so interesting that intrest in soccer in the States will be ignited and within 20 years our great nation will be composed of soccer fans. Well I'm (not at all) sorry to pop this litte bubble when i sat that this statment has very little base and it (or a variation of it) is brought up every time the U.S . does well in any sport not called basketball on the international stage. After Phelps did his thing did we become a nation of swimmers? Nope. After Ohno rocked last year did America get into speed skating? That'd be a no. And after we won the World Cup when Hope Solo was on the right side of 90 did we become intrested in soccer? No, so I see no reason why we will now.

Anyhow signing off now, I promised a blog post and I think I delivered!


Sunday, July 17, 2011


To anyone who follows this fun little corner of the interet I wish to extend my dearest apologies, because
i've pretty much ignored this blog for the last couple of weeks. I guess just finding my feet over here has been a bit of an all consuming task as of late, but now that I feel pretty good about everything over here I've decided that this baby is gonna get a resurection! Please, hold the applause though because some boundries must be put in place if I'm going to do this right. They are as follows:

Firstly, I will update this baby at least once every three days, the only exceptions being if Im going up country, in which case I will inform all of my dear readers of such a development. I don't anticipate me having to go up country a la Heart of Darkness, but you never really know.

Secondly, after long thought and careful deliberation I've decided that Im will not use this blog simply for the purpose of chronicaling my adventures here on the other side of the sea, so far from all that I've ever known. I mean yeah that was the main impetus behind me starting a blog, but I think that eventually it will devolve into a rather repetative affair. Maybe it wouldn't but thats the feeling that I get, but anyway while my adventures in africa will still constitute a major amount of the content I post I'll also be talking about awsome stuff that Im intrested in and into, like sports and music, great works of literature or intresting philosphical treatises, in addition to history (I mean I named this blog after Otto von Bismarck). If I just wanted to type up massive posts about mundane everyday over here I would have called my blog something like "JD in Africa!" and then talked about the the excitment of counting boxes of shipment everyday. Besides I now have a post limit, remember?

Thirdly....well their is no thirdly, I think two rules is enough for me, we must follow the KISS principle after all (KISS stands for Keep It Simple. Stupid. for the uninitiated.) Of course this is a family friendly blog etc etc (I have a tattoo that says "The Lord is My Banner" after all, it would be rather hypocritical of me to act like, you know, the Lord isn't my banner. And I hate hypocrites.). 

Well as they would say in Loony Land, thats all for now folks, I'll do my best to do the write thing and type up another post Monday (i swear i will!)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Brussels International: Anything else is just an airport

              Alright as everyone whose anyone knows I arrived in Sierra Leone (or Salone, as some of the native people call it) thursday night, roughly 3 days ago. I haven't posted in this blog since then though due to massive jetlag and because I've been doing a ton of stuff as I get acclimated to a competely different culture and place. Anyway I decided that instead of writing one massive (and it would truly be massive) post about everything thats happened in the last 3 days Im just going to break it down into three or four smaller post. This is the first one, which covers my adventures in simply getting to Africa.
             The celebrated Zhou philosopher Lao Tzu is said to have observed that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, a proverb that definetly applies in this case. I hopped out of bed Thursday morning and threw on my clothes. My bags were all packed and everything was ready for me to hit the road. Padre always promised me that my graduation presant would be having my bags packed and at the door the night I graduated, I guess he was just a little off on the dates. I swung by my friend Brian's house to pick up my iPod, then back home for breakfeast but I was too excited to eat (something which would come back to bite me later on). The whole family piled into our big van for the last time, because after this last ride it will be the whole family sans J.D.
             It was about a 30 minute ride to ABIA (Austin-Bergstrom Int'l Airport, the smallest airport I've seen outside of Africa). We got there and the majority of the family hopped out to "help" with my two bags. Oddly enough though none of them seemed very eager to assist me with my fifty pound duffel. We went and checked in at the United counter, got my boarding pass and checked the fifty pound duffel bag that yours truly has nicknamed "The Monster." After that it was time for good byes. Hugs were exchanged, tears were shed and everyone had something nice to say to me (which is a rarity in mi familia). Of course I didn't cry, because Im a man like that (and possibly because I had behind my reflective shades during the car ride) but I did get a little choked up. Gotta say I love everybody, but I really love mi famila. Blood definetly runs thicker than water.
             After my farewell to the fam it was time to go through security. Now I've heard some pretty bad stories regarding the TSA but they were nice to me and I passed with near flying colors. (Te whole smashing all my poptarts during bag search and making me get rid of my sunscreen because it could be plastic explosive? I'll let it slide. This time. But next time Im calling my lawyer!) Once passed those lovely TSA chaps who are awsome and who I can't wait to see agian once I get back (they might be reading so I gotta hedge my bets) it was time to hurry up. And wait. And wait some more. It was like 9am d my flight didn't leave till 11:33am so I just sat by the gate listening to music and reflecting on the meaning of life, the molecular structure of atomic particles and other stuff like that.
          The flight to Washington D.C. was pretty chill, slept an hour and just kinda looked out the widow and enjoyed the view the other two hours while trying to not think about how hungry I was from not eating that morning. Once I arrived in D.C. I made a beeline for Wendys and ordered a baconator and a triple cheeseburger with fries, all washed down by a large Dr. Pepper. I knew this was going to be my last meal in America so I had to go all out baby! Needles to say I feel like I did. After that it was back to hurrying up and waiting and waiting and waiting some more. The highlight of D.C. was a belgian women coming up to me and asking me (in french) if i spoke french. Sadly I said I did not but she also spoke english and we talked for awhile in the line. Apparently I looked rather european, which was interesting.
                The flight across the pond was insanely long and dull, utterly devoid of intrest and entertainment. I watched some mundane teen comedy about a sophmore who tries to hook up with the "perfect senior girl" who is, to the suprise and shock of everyone involved, struggling with her own inner issues. Wow, what an origional plot twist! And the most annoying part was that all the movie choices heading east were pretty pathetic the choices heading west were all pretty good. Instead if suffering through Peck and his pathetic pubescent struggles I could have been enjoying any one of a number of decent movies. Sad day. Of course I ended up trying to fall asleep but this proved impossible because the older gentleman (and I use this term in the most sarcastic way possible) leaned his chair as far back as possible a couple hours in, somewhere over Canada. I swear it was nearly a 90 degree angle, like almost touching my knees. And since he was an old guy he fell asleep the entire flight and so I never got a chance to tell him to get up. In summary: flying across the atlantic was not fun. At all.
               So I was pretty haggard when I arrived at Brussels International. It is a HUGE airport. Just enourmous. It simply dwarfs ABIA. Once I disembarked the plane I had no idea where to go or what to do, every sign seemed to be in French or Dutch, and I could not figure out where to go. So I did what I always do in crazy situations like these. I stopped, sat down, and took a few minutes to pray, asking God for direction and that I didn't pass out from sleep exhaustion. Then I got up and just began to walk around. After walking for what seemed like forever (seriously, the welcome hall had to be a mile long) I found a couple of guys in uniform and got a little direction. They directed me towards another bag search (which I passed with no issues and where everyone was very polite, though they looked at me funny when I popped a malaria pill when I was declaring my medicines.)
                Once I passed through security I just keep trudging on till I actually overheard some people at the Brussels Air counter talking about Sierra Leone. I said a quick prayer and walkd over to them and asked if they were headed there. They said that yes, they were going to Salone (they were natives) and even allowed me to follow them to the correct terminal. I can not underestimate how thankful I was for that, because it was another quarter hour of walking and I would never have found it without them. Except that after all that walking we ended up at a small inter airport bus station, because suprise! we had to take a 10 minute bus ride from that terminal to another totally seperate one to finally get to where we were going to catch are flight. Let me reitete: Brussels Int'l is massive.
                 I wandered around this huge airport for a while (and got yelled at by a security guard for accidentally wandering through a security checkpoint because I was super out of it, but hey he to though I was european, so score!) After another hour or so of waiting I ran into some fellow Mercyshipers, Robbie and Steve, who have been here many times and to whom I am very grateful. They were super nice to me and have really treated me like their son, which is awsome. I also met Johan, who has been here before as well. I would meet more Mercyshipers on the same flight once it landed in Sierra Leone.
                 The flight to Freetown was pretty chill. I sat next to another american who had just graduated from UW and was headed down to Freetown to work as a newspaper reporter for a few months, so we just talked for most of the flight. In flight food was kinda nasty though, but thats a post for another time. It was a 5 hour flight and went pretty well. We touched down in Sierra Leone with no problems and thats where the real fun began.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Lowdown

I bet I can read your mind right now.

Your thinking "Uhhhh why did J.D. name his blog after a couple of odd nouns and some old Prussian dude?

Pretty cool, right?

                  Seriously though, thats what I would be thinking at this point. I just choose that name because A) It sounds awsome to me, especially as a big time history buff and B) Its pretty unique. Anyway the origional reason I decided to start a blog as because (as I'm pretty sure everyone and their mother knows by now) I'm headed for Africa, and specifically Sierra Leone. I'll be going with the MercyShips organization (more on them in a bit) and serving on the Africa Mercy, which is the world's largest non-govermental hospital ship.

                  Before you ask, no, I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing. My official job title will be as a General Steward but since that particular position is split between a couple of different department that doesn't mean a whole lot as of yet. One of my good friends summed it up pretty well though when she said that "J.D. is going to be a servant." Bingo, because no matter what my job is it's gonna be doing something menial in support of the the main mission of MercyShips (i.e. surgeons don't have time to cook, clean, or greet everyone who visits the shift because their doing things like, you know, saving lives and removing tumors and other super cool ultra top secret but insanely awsome surgeon stuff). Aside from moping the floor and doing laundry I'll also have many oppurtunities to go out and impact lives in the community. Just exactly how I'm not quite sure yet, but rest assured my dear readers you guys will be the first to know!

                Now my travels to Africa and whats going own once I get there is the main purpose of this blog, but as you could probably tell by the title I'm going to have infused alot of my own personality into it. Quick warning here: I can be a pretty [insert your own word here, such as odd/strange/crazy/awsome] person but I think that if you've gotten this far you probably realize that. I have alot of intrests, ranging from history to sports to music to the history of music in spots, so if I ever go off on a long tangent about something like the New Orleans Hornets seling their draft pick for $750,000 while Josh Selby was still on the board please bear with me. Ditto for if  ever wax poetic on the awsomeness of a particular song by Bei Maejor or drone on about how much I learned in a book I recently read regarding the Germans use of armor in the Second World War and its impact on the operational tactics used in modern warfare. Thanks!
                Well I think that is a pretty goood broad overview of this blog, why I started it, and what its gonna to be about. If you have any comments or questions feel free to hit me up in the comments section below, my email (jrimann@hotmail.com) or my facebook.